Cat sleeping watercolor painting.

About the Artist

Welcome to my biography. Learn more about me and my art journey here and come along for the ride!

Redheaded man traditional watercolor painting with red flowers and green large leaves, A3 sized painting.


Having to write about yourself can be a bit intimidating. I will start by saying; Hello there! My name is Kat and I’m a Danish artist.

I’m self taught and began my art journey seriously for about three or four years ago, but my love for art bloomed longed before that, when I was very young and still in school. I remember creating my first ever self portrait in class and my art teacher praising me for how accurate it was. I felt so happy and that was the moment I realised that art could maybe be for me. Whenever we would go out to take pictures or whatever we desired to draw or paint, I was excited! And I was proud of the pieces I could create from those pictures as I played with charcoal and paint.

It was about ten years ago that I begun drawing again. I did pencil sketches that I hung up on the walls and later bought fineliners that I couldn’t stop using because I adored the stark contrast between the white paper and the black fineliner creating such fine lines. Later when I found an amazing art store I bought watercolor pencils even though I had no clue how to use them. This was when I truly felt the spark that art gave me. Whatever I wanted to put down on paper, I could. If I ever had a concept in mind, I could draw it or paint it or color it with coloring pencils. This new world was endless.

At first I bought acylic paints and easels after seeing a bunch of Youtube videos about acylic painting. I loved it, but still felt a wall between me and the paint. When I finally exchanged my watercolor pencils for watercolor, I fell in love. This was what I had been looking for. Actually I was afraid of watercolors at first, but after making my first portrait, I realised how I should and could use the medium, and ever since then it has been my preferred medium. I enjoy the lightness and dreamyness of watercolor and to see the paint mix together in textures I cannot control.

I believe that anyone can create with anything. You do not have to own expensive art supplies to be an amazing artist. Not all of my supplies either are expensive or high end. I use what feels right to me. I also believe that creativity in an artist is more important than skill. If an artist has the creativity and inspiration to continue working on their passion their skill will automatically grow with every art piece they create. Usually I jump right into sketches and paintings, and sometimes I fail, and sometimes I succeed. I learn from my mistakes and from every artwork. For me that is the best way to grow, and I am still growing and finding my voice.

I love doing many different things, like portraits and landscapes, animals and foods, especially sweets which probably comes from my love for sweets. I love doing bigger concepts as well with deep meanings, that way I feel like I can truly put my feelings down on paper. I do not like to feel limited and I take pride in my versatility. For example I have begun painting with gouache and I am LOVING it so far!! I very much enjoy creating landscapes with gouache and capture the purity of nature.

Apart from art I have always been very interested in writing, character building and acting. I did theater when I was younger and have written for over ten years, and dream of publishing books one day. As a person with several health issues affecting my everyday life I take comfort in the act of creating which makes me feel happy.

I hope to create a family, a community of people who love art just like me, who wants to follow me along on my journey as I continue building my own voice and my own business.


lilmeowmeowarts logo of cat sleeping on piece of tree with lilmeowmeowarts name on and flowers around it.