Watercolor jumping bunny painting.


When did you first start doing art?

Art have always been a part of my life. It started when I was a child and took an art class. We were told to make a self portrait and I remember how my teacher picked up my portrait and told me how good it was. It made me realise that art might be something I would like to dig further into. However, as life took its turn I made art less and less. It was about three or four years ago that I began randomly drawing which turned into a love for art that developed into something bigger. :)

What art supplies do you use?

I believe that you can make art with ANYTHING, let it be cheap or expensive. I use a mixture of Kreatima brushes as well as brushes from Grene Art. My acrylics right now come from a mixture of Sostrene Grene and Panduro, and my watercolors are a few Winsor and Newton Cotman, St Petersburg, and last but not least Schmincke Horadam which are the ones I use the most. In the beginning I only used Panduro watercolor paper, then dabbled into Clairefontaine Etival, but my favorite paper is Arches 300gsm 100% cotton cold pressed watercolor paper which is the ONLY kind of paper that I use now. My easels are from Sostrene Grene as well.

Where do you get your inspiration?

EVERYWHERE. I can get inspiration from anything and everything. It can be a plant or someone’s face or seeing a certain color combination. This is also why I have a billion sketches staring at me from a distance, ready to be painted yet I keep making more, haha.

What else do you enjoy to do (other than art)?

I enjoy writing, reading, listening to music and singing. I like creating and I hope to publish a book(s) some great day!

Do you take commissions?

I don’t officially but if you ask if you can commission me for a painting or a drawing of your pet then I will gladly do so! :)

Do you sell your art?

Yes! I sell art prints of my art. You can find my shop through this link; https://www.artstation.com/katsarts/prints Or you can find it in my “Shop” category.

Are you self taught?

I am! Everything you see I have learned from my own little art station which is my dinner table.

Do you have any advice for someone who is just starting to do art?

This probably sounds very cliche but just do it and don’t think too much. Put away thoughts about style. Experiment. Observe the world around you. Make sure to do something that YOU want to do rather than what people tell you to do.

How do you balance your health and your art and other passions?

I have learned to take my time. Sometimes I need to relax and not do antyhing while at other times I need to push myself to create to bring some happiness into the moment. It’s not easy and my health does prove a challenge, but I’m doing my best! :)

lilmeowmeowarts logo of cat sleeping on piece of tree with lilmeowmeowarts name on and flowers around it.